














Dear Visionista ~

A new year is upon us!

For thirteen years it has been our spiritual tradition to start the year in community with soulful music, meditation, visioning, intention, and speaking life into our visions.

And this year will be no different. Once again, we're gathering to nourish ourselves and nurture our visions. To embrace our greater yet-to-be.

At times like this we lean into our spiritual practices, not as a bypass but as a pathway for divine insight, clarity, possibility, direction and

We're taking time in the midst of all that is to 'consciously court the Divine!' To pause... be still... and listen...

A sacred place has been prepared to:

  • RE-new your spirit
  • RE-member who you and we are
  • RE-fresh your intentions
  • RE-lease beliefs that no longer serve
  • RE-imagine what life can be
  • RE-align your steps with a RE-vitalized vision

It is essential that our vision, the divine vision that dwells within, be more alive in us than anything in our personal or collective experience that is unlike that vision.

In the words of Mary Oliver to, "Keep some room in our hearts for the unimaginable!" That's what our New Year's Visioning Retreat is all about.

Counting the days until we're together. See you soon :-)

Joyous Blessings,

Rai Jordan, RScP Emerita
Founder & Spiritual Director
Higher Vision Institute







"I'm so grateful for these visioning retreats and circles you offer. I get insights from visioning with you that I don't get from visioning by myself or from any other spiritual practice. Thanks to you and these sessions, I'm learning how to quiet my mind and tune in to the inner wisdom of my own soul. And I'm counting the days to this next one!"


~ Joy Lynn Douglas

Toronto, ON









"The session I had with Rai changed my life. Negative things and people quickly moved out of my life afterward. It was a major turning point for me and I haven't looked back since."

~Avis Robinson

San Leandro, CA






Whether you call it God, Ori, Spirit, Higher Self, intuition, your muse or some other name — higher levels of wisdom and guidance are always available to us. Whatever you call it, what matters most is that we "call" on it, that we ask "it" to reveal what it knows.


Dr. Michael Beckwith, the originator of the visioning process I use and teach, says, "visioning is a process in which we cultivate the ability to hear, see or sense a divine idea for our life.” My friend and mentor, Dr. Liza Rankow, calls it a "powerful and transformative tool for tapping into deeper levels of clarity, insight, and direction."


I've come to view visioning as a pathway for self-discovery, healing, transformation and liberation. This inspires my personal visioning practice as well as my passion for providing sacred space for individuals and groups to use and practice it too.


*Adapted from the Visioning Resource Guide: Start, Deepen or Rediscover Visioning ©Rai Jordan, 2009. Revised and updated 2023.






"Dear Rai - Thank you for holding the Vision! Thank you for being the Vision! Thank you for facilitating so many visionings! Thank you for teaching me and so many other leaders how to vision for our lives, ministries, and others. Your gifts have been absolutely priceless to our faith, philosophy, way of life!!!"


~ Rev Karen Fry

Center for Spiritual Living Dallas

Dallas, TX





What I love most about visioning is how it awakens possibilities that hadn’t been considered and reawakens visions, dreams, ideas and revelations previously dismissed, deferred or denied.


And I absolutely love how visioning attunes us to the divine inner knowing of our own soul, activates our inner becoming and opens the way for inspired action and divine flow.


Doors opening. Opportunities appearing. Resources showing up at the right time in previously unforeseen ways. Next steps being revealed. Taking that step, confident or scared. Divinely guided every step of the way.


Visioning has been a guiding light in my life for 26 years. No other process or technique has been so powerful, so deeply transformative for me. It can be the same for you.


Adapted from the Visioning Resource Guide: Start, Deepen or Rediscover Visioning ©Rai Jordan, 2009. Revised and updated 2023.







"Visioning with Rai allows me to go into the silence, ask questions and receive answers, guidance, and inspiration to live in and by the Spirit."

~ Jerome Smalls
New Castle, DE





Could you benefit from sacred time away from the fullness of life to commune with the divine wisdom of your own Soul? Emerge with:


INSIGHT: Awaken divine insight by tuning in to your internal GPS.


CLARITY: Clarify your highest vision and what your soul is most yearning to experience and express.


POSSIBILITY: Re-vitalize your vision and re-imagine what can be, including visions previously dismissed, deferred or denied.


ALCHEMY: Engage the inner state of being that opens the way for your highest vision and deepest intent to emerge.


DIRECTION: Align your next steps, habits and practices with emerging possibilities and clarified direction.






"Visioning is awesome! It is all about getting in touch with the “Real” self. My soul just opens up when I attend Rai’s visioning sessions.


~ Rita Littlejohn
Honolulu, HI





Start anytime, join us whenever you'd like, as often as you like:




1st Session Each Day


7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PACIFIC
6 am AKT / 8 am MT / 9 am CT / 10 am ET / 3 pm GT


2nd Session Each Day


1:00 PM - 3:00 PM PACIFIC
12 pm AKT / 2 pm MT / 3 pm CT / 4 pm ET / 9 pm GT


3rd Session Each Day

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PACIFIC
6 pm AKT / 8 pm MT / 9 pm CT / 10 pm ET / 3 am GT (next day)








"I love visioning with Rai. It’s an experience like no other and not to be missed. These visioning sessions are a safe, sacred and loving space where you can truly BE and discover the life your soul is seeking. I promise you, she’ll teach you how to be who you came here to be."


~ Deborah Ford, RScP

Philadelphia, PA





A unique feature of this visioning retreat is flexibility, the many ways you can customize your retreat experience:



Attend as many sessions as you'd like!


Start anytime, join us whenever you like, as often as you'd like. Join us for any combination of sessions that works best and resonates for you.



Have a full schedule? Join us for just one session.


You'll have 12 sessions to choose from. Each session is a complete visioning experience.



Seeking sacred time for your very own retreat?


Schedule a block of sessions and carve out time in between sessions for activities that feed your Soul.



Between sessions, you might...

Journal, meditate, and/or pray; practice yoga, stretch or take a walk; create a vision board; take a nap or a bath. Or act on the inspiration to tidy up, clear up, or start something new. Do what most resonates with you.



Join us before or after any New Year’s gatherings you'll be attending, hosting or facilitating.


With 12 sessions over 4 days, you have the flexibility to participate in other activities and join us for visioning too.



Interested in visioning about a particular area of life?


Health, prosperity, love, your life's work, the next season of your life, your overall life, or something else? During each session, I will guide you in doing just that!



Love to share? Prefer to remain silent?


If you choose, there will be time to participate in the sharing and prayer time that takes place in the later part of each session. Or you can leave before the sharing to continue on your own inward journey.






"Rai’s New Year’s Visioning Retreat always jump starts my year. In 2014, frustrated that my talents were only partly being used, I surrendered deeply and got the message to move. Within 5 months I was in my new home and the blessings still keep pouring in; joyful music, spiritual service, and work projects I love using all of my abilities. Rai creates a space in which the new is not so much scary as it is exciting."


~ Rev. Molly Cate
Fortuna, CA







We're gathering to welcome 2025 with renewed insight, clarity, vision, intention and direction:


  • Virtual Event! Join us from the comfort of your own space.
  • 12 LIVE visioning sessions conveniently scheduled morning to night. Each session is a complete visioning experience.


  • Start anytime. Donate any amount. Join us whenever you'd like, as often as you like.
  • New & Seasoned Visionistas Welcome! Our visioning retreats are designed for all levels of visioning experience. Join us!


Make a tax-deductible donation of any amount and receive an all-access pass to this retreat and everything you'll need to participate.



How do I determine my tax-deductible donation?

Since this question comes up often, we asked our visionistas to share what guides them:


  • "What works for my budget." All donations welcome and appreciated. From our heart to yours... thank you!


  • "What I'm inspired to donate in gratitude for what I receive." Gifts shared from gratitude bless the giver and receiver. Thank you!


  • The number of sessions I plan to attend." Suggested donation: $25-$45 per session. Thank you!
  • "I 'pay-it-forward’ to support this ministry that supports so many and has blessed me so." Your support keeps these donation-based transformative retreats accessible to all. Thank you!


All donations are 100% tax-deductible: We are recognized as a 501(c)(3) through our affiliation with Centers for Spiritual Living.






Your online transaction is 100% secure




We tithe 10% of donations received to organizations and individuals who inspire us and whose work nurtures the spiritual unfolding of this ministry and the world.



Don't see our retreat welcome packet in your inbox?

Check the bottom of your receipt for a link to the welcome packet

Need further assistance? For quickest response, EMAIL us at info@highervisioninstitute.org or TEXT 510-761-5463. We’ll resend instructions for accessing the visioning sessions. See you soon.









"Thank you for these amazing visioning sessions. You know, you are facilitating the transformation of the world."


~ Kaleem Nuriddin, RScP

Anchorage, AK






Are you new to visioning? Or is this your first virtual retreat? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:



What is a virtual retreat?

Our virtual retreats offer a convenient way to unplug from the busyness of life and experience the transforming power of visioning right where you are.


We use the Zoom platform as our virtual 'meeting' place. As soon as you register, you'll receive a welcome packet with everything you need to participate.




Can I really experience the benefits of visioning at a virtual retreat?
Yes. Those new to using technology to 'meet' are pleasantly surprised they can experience spiritual deepening and connection in a virtual space.


Having facilitated retreats, programs and trainings by phone and video conference for well over a decade, I am particularly skilled at supporting participants in experiencing all this visioning retreat is designed to be.




To register, I make a tax-deductible donation of any amount?
Yes. Simply make a tax-deductible donation of any amount to Higher Vision Center and you'll receive an all-access pass to this retreat and everything you'll need to participate.


You determine the amount of your financial gift and how many sessions you'll attend. Your all-access pass gives you entry to all sessions taking place during the retreat.




Can I contribute more after my initial donation?
Yes. If you are inspired to donate more in gratitude for what you have received and to support the expansion of this work, we are honored to receive it.


As stated above, your tax-deductible donations help keep our events affordable so the transforming power of visioning is accessible to all.


Click here to make an additional tax-deductible donation.




Can I invite others to join me for this virtual retreat?


Yes! Absolutely! Invite them to join you at your location. If they will be attending the retreat from a different location, direct them to this page to register for the retreat.




I have more questions; this is all new to me. How do I get them answered?
We'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about participating. Our contact information is below.








"This is the Event of the Year for me! I can’t begin to tell you how this virtual retreat has helped shape, guide and ultimately transform my life over the past 12 years. Each year brings something new. Visioning with Rai is a powerful experience. I’m continually amazed at what comes up for me during this fun and sacred time. I’m counting down the days!!"


~Cindy Hensley, RScP
Honolulu, HI













Rai’s passion for visioning is infectious! She has been practicing, teaching and facilitating visioning for 26 years! Once a successful yet unfulfilled member of the corporate & non-profit worlds, Rai charted a new course for her life with visioning.
Rai facilitated her first visioning session in 1999 and her first visioning workshop in her living room in 2002. She’s been supporting individuals and groups from all walks of life, faiths and traditions with visioning ever since.

She is Founder & Spiritual Director of Higher Vision Institute, a Centers for Spiritual Living affiliated teaching chapter founded in 2007 to support spiritual leaders, healers, artists, activists and entrepreneurs in using visioning as a pathway for self-discovery, personal liberation and global transformation.
Rai facilitates visioning sessions, workshops and trainings for spiritual communities, corporate and non-profit organizations, advisory teams, boards of directors, and community groups; couples, families, children and young adults; for audiences of all sizes, from one-on-one to virtual gatherings of 500.


In 2019, Centers for Spiritual Living awarded Rai the recognition of Practitioner Emeritus in acknowledgement of 21 years of meritorious service as a Religious Science Practitioner. In addition to teaching and facilitating visioning, Rai has maintained a spiritual counseling and healing practice since 1998.
In 2020 Rai received the Practitioner Meritorious Award for 13 years of service as the Visioning Team Chair, supporting the organization and its predecessor organizations with visioning.
She is the author of “The Visioning Resource Guide," “Ignite Your Life with Visioning," "The Vision Manifestation Kit,” and "Prayers & Meditations for the Journey." She is currently working on her next book and training for her second marathon.







"Rai is my first formal visioning teacher. I've been visioning with her for over a decade and I know her to be an embodiment of Visioning. I believe you will find this visioning retreat to be informative, transformative and inspiring. Expect to discover more about the divine design of your life."


~ Charles Thomas

Detroit, MI





We're here to help! For the quickest response, TEXT 510-761-5463 or EMAIL info@highervisioninstitute.org. We’ll resend instructions for accessing the visioning sessions.


You can also call our office at 510-761-5463. If we are unavailable or out of the office, please leave a message so we can return your call.










"What I appreciate most about visioning with you is the transformative sacred space you create for us to deepen, grow and transform."


~ Tracy Rae Clark

Taos, NM










"You have a real gift for communicating and connecting with people in a way that allows everyone to feel welcomed and at ease from the start. Your ability to meet everyone right where they are creates a safe and inviting environment in which you masterfully and lovingly stretch us into claiming our highest and best. Thank you! You have deeply inspired me."


~ Sabrina Lawrence
Riverside, CA



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